Home Inspections

Everyone's heard of home inspections, but what exactly do inspectors look for inside your future home? Keep reading to find out.
<a href='https://rosegate.com/author/cameronodom/'>Cameron Odom</a>
Cameron Odom
February 2, 2021
3 min read

One of the most significant days leading up to buying your future home is the inspection. Home inspections are designed to inform the buyer of possible problems with the property from an unbiased third-party. It’s up to the buyer to decide on the inspector and pay for the inspection. You may be wondering, “Do I have to pay for an inspection?” The answer to that question is YES, but it may vary state by state. Lender requirements can vary, but most of the time they require you to order a home inspection. Ultimately, you don’t want a home that needs thousands of dollars in repairs that you didn’t realize before purchasing. Paying for an inspection could save you thousands of dollars in the long run.

What Does The Inspector Look For?

Site Characteristics: What is the condition of the home? Do the shrubs impact the ability for water to drain? Are the walkways, patios, and decks safe? The inspector answers all those questions during an inspection.

Structure: This is essentially the foundation of your home! The walls, ceiling, stairs, and roof are all the key components of any home.

Exterior: Does your garage door work, or is the balcony safe to walk on? These are all things that the inspector checks out before giving you the “go-head.”

Roofing: No one wants a leaky roof! Everything from the drainage systems, coverings, and chimneys is examined to ensure that you won’t have a roof that caves in.

Plumbing: Did you know the function of your water heater is included in the inspection? Along with checking typical plumbing, inspectors make sure your water heater is working safely and effectively.

Electrical: The last thing you want when buying a home is faulty electrical work. Inspectors ensure your home is up-to-code when it comes to outlets, circuit breakers, and overall wiring.

Heating: Checking the heating system guarantees your family will stay warm on those cold winter nights! A faulty heating system can cause tremendous issues such as gas leaks, so it is crucial to making sure it’s up-to-code.

Central Air Conditioning: On the other hand, you don’t want to be blistering hot on a summer day! You don’t want a frozen HVAC system when it’s 95 degrees outside!

Insulation and Ventilation: If your future home has an attic, the inspector will check the insulation and venting! If there is not enough ventilation, many issues could arise in the future such as mold.

Appliances: A frequent misconception is that the inspector will make sure your appliances work, but this is not the case. The inspector only checks appliances that are built-in such as an oven, garbage disposal, and dishwasher.

So what does this mean?

Save yourself from a potential headache and get an inspector! You want to make sure that this home is the home for you. If some issues arise in the inspection, don’t worry. A lot of the time, realtors will negotiate between the buyer and the seller for a compromise. Whether that’s the seller making repairs or lowering the purchase price so you can fix the issues on your own, there’s always a solution to the problem! If you feel that the issues outweigh your desire for the home, you’re not locked into a contract, and you can keep searching! If you’re interested in a more in-depth explanation of inspections, head over to the American Institute of Inspectors to review their standards of practice.

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