Spring Cleaning Tips

With Spring quickly approaching, you know what that means. Spring cleaning! Keep reading to learn tips to have your house clean in no time.
<a href='https://rosegate.com/author/cameronodom/'>Cameron Odom</a>
Cameron Odom
March 4, 2021
3 min read

With Spring quickly approaching, you know what that means. Spring cleaning! It is a time where everyone goes through their home to get rid of old things, sweep up dust and welcome the fresh spring-time air. If cleaning feels like a hassle, keep reading to learn tips and tricks on effective and efficient Spring cleaning.

Tackle One Room at a Time

It can be easy to become overwhelmed when you try to tackle more than one room at a time. You may start cleaning the living room floors, decide to clean out your closet, and eventually give up because you feel inundated with tasks. The best strategy to complete your cleaning is to focus on one room for half a day. Avoid biting off more than you can chew. Your entire house does not need to be sparkling clean in one day. If it only takes you one weekend, that is great – but you should not feel discouraged if it takes a few weekends to get your home in tip-top shape!

Get The Whole Family Involved

Spring cleaning is not a one-person job. If you want this process to move more quickly, get your significant others and children involved. Although they may dread it, there are ways to make it a fun family experience. Turn on your speakers and crank up the volume to your kids’ favorite music, or surprise them with a pizza party for dinner to show them you appreciate their help. Getting your family involved will help you accomplish your spring cleaning goals faster than if you were to do it alone.

Donate, Donate, Donate!

One of the easiest ways to declutter your home is by donating! If you are someone like me – you hold onto clothes for a long time. If you are keeping clothing with the hopes that it will fit you again, consider donating them to someone else who will truly make use of it. Chances are they will not be in style anymore even if you do get back to that weight. Take the time to review everything in storage or the back of your closet and think about the last time you used it. If it has been months, why are you still holding on to that item? A great trick to help decide what is worth holding onto is by giving one item away for every item you keep. Not only does this help declutter your home, but your old things are going to someone who needs it! The best of both worlds.

So why wait? Spring is only a few days away! Get a game plan together to tackle your spring cleaning goals, and if you follow our tips, your home will be sparkling clean in no time.

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